Fashion Mistakes - 10 Looks To Avoid!

There are many fashion mistakes women make and here we have picked out 10 of the most common ones.

Many people make these mistakes as they try to hard, or want to make sure they are wearing the latest fashions or styles regardless of whether they suit them or not.

Fact is, anyone can present a stylish fashionable look. There are styles and fashions out there to suit everyone.

10 common fashion mistakes

1. Your clothes don't fit correctly.

Wearing baggy clothes will add weight to anyone. Clothes that are too small accentuate bulges and can make you look ridiculous.

Don't buy anything thinking that it will be "just right" if you lose weight. Buy for the present and in relation to your clothes size now.

2. Wearing wrinkled clothes.

A great suit or dress won't do you any favors unless it's wrinkle-free. Avoid this fashion mistake and buy clothes that are easy to care for and don't wrinkle easily.

3. Fashion trends that don