Hot Yoga - Cleansing Your Mind, Body, and Soul Through Yoga

More than ever now there seems to be people with ailments and sicknesses that doctors can not cure. Even doctors claiming to be the best in their field cannot relieve their suffering.

It's obvious today's society is in need of a radical change.

Years ago I was very much in need of such a change. I was in terrible shape adn seemed to catch every little thing that came along. I felt miserable most of the time. And with little or no no energy I would feel my body growing weaker each and every day. I saw doctor after doctor but no one could tell me what was wrong with me.

I decided I try like many to self-heal myslef and tried everything I could get my hands on; herbs and vitamins, tonics and cleanses, massage, acupuncture, Reiki, Rolphing, Tai Chi, all promising optimum health. But it's when a friend invited me to partake in a hot-yoga session that my health and life eventually changed!

So what is Hot Yoga you ask? Well although Yoga may be a common phrase around the households of the world, rarely do people really know what it is.

Yoga has many different types and practices, and the one that really impacted my health is