Drive and Save: Tips for Conserving Fuel

With the scare at the pumps in recent months, many people were second guessing whether or not they should even drive. Many people opted to buy smaller, more fuel efficient vehicles. People were looking for quirky ways to cut their costs, or they just decided to ante up and pay, no matter what the cost. But with these simple tips in mind, you will save a significant amount of money while using your vehicle.

Tires Need Pressure. You should always keep your tires inflated to the max of recommended labels. Soft tires can lead to a lot of lost fuel and mileage.

Check Pressure Regularly. Remeber to check your tire pressure regularly, at least two(2) times per month, but weekly is best.

Use Regular Fuel. If your fueling with premium gas (91 octane) your costing yourself more then needed. Most modern cars only need regular fuel (87 octane) and are designed to use it. This doesn