Buying individual health insurance plans has now become the most feasible option to meet your inflating medical bills. The solution is not as simple as it sounds, before purchasing the plan that is just right for you and your family, you need to do a comparative study as will as a cost analysis of the options available in the market.
Once this is done, you need to narrow down on the company that can help you achieve your goal of buying an affordable health insurance plan. First of all, decide whether you wish to go in for the managed health care plan or indemnity plan. While managed health care plans provide moderate health coverage at comparatively low rates, the advantage with the indemnity plans is that instead of paying a monthly premium, you pay the doctor or health provider at the time of services rendered.
To decide upon the option that is ideal for you, consider factors such as the amount that you are ready to keep aside for your monthly installments. Then again, there may be plans that require you to pay deductibles before the insurance actually begins to cover your medical costs. Another major factor is that you might end up paying extra if you use the services of a doctor who is not a part of the plan