Have you checked your Blog or Internet Forum Lately? Have you noticed more hits than usual or possible considering your click-out rates and trickle payments for AdSense? Well all those hits may not be actual hits at all. You see what appears to be happening is that the pages of your website are recording hits, as the back end of the website is set to count the hits of spidering search engines, like Google Bot, as they go thru the data bases of all your pages.
So your Blog show to you that you have more hits, when they are nothing more than Google's Bot going thru your index. Although this is not too awfully serious you may wish to check it, especially if you are telling people that your website is receiving so many hits, when in actuality it is not.
This is not totally serious as the government does it also and then records them as citizen visits. But when a website for instance the Federal Trade Commission says it has 10 million visitors in a week, that could be a lie, because Google came thru twice that week and went thru every page to update their data bases. If their site has 20,000 pages, well that is 40,000 hits in error, now then with 10 million being off 40k is not significant but it is still wrong. Then as the FTC backs up their own databases each day or 2 times per week there is another 40K off. So now we are at 80K mistake.
Now then being off 80,000 on 10,000,000 is not significant, yet it is still a misrepresentation isn