Chord Piano, Let's Start with the Basics

In a nutshell chords are three or more notes played at the same time. Specific patterns create chords.

In order to learn these patterns that make chords we will start with learning about Major Scales.

Where W= Whole Step and H=Half Step, the pattern to making a Major Scale on the piano is....


In the key of C (in case you don't know where C is on the piano it is the white key located immediately to the left of the 2 black key grouping) that pattern results in

C-D-E-F-G-A-B and again to C

Okay so now you know how to make scales. (of course you should take this pattern and try it with other keys on the piano).

Let's move on to chords.

What we call a Major Chord is also is built from a pattern that pattern is...


Where R=Root or where you are starting from, 2W=2 Whole Steps and 3H = 3 Half Steps.

There are other ways to figure our how to make Major Chords but for the sake of simplicity this is what we are going to use. Now you can go to the piano and starting on any key use the above formula and find all Major Chords from C to Eb and beyond.

The nice thing about chords and their patterns is that your hands start to memorize, rather quickly I might add, the position it takes to form these chords and it becomes as natural as speaking...sort of.

Here are few to get you started:

C Major = C-E-G

Eb Major = Eb-G-Bb

D Major = D-F#-A

I've picked these 3 because their particular hand positioning are the three most common and the rest (that you will be figuring out on your own or using the chord chart at will come much easier.

Happy Playing!

K Quinn has been playing the piano for 10+ years. She picked up the guitar 5 years ago and both for her church. Visit her website at for more church musician tools and tips.