Simple Solutions for Creating Change

Creating lasting change in your life is not easy. It is a process that requires vision, commitment, and persistence. By employing these Simple Solutions, you can set yourself up for success!!

Ten Tips on Creating Lasting Change

1. Create a compelling vision and write it down: Set goals according to what is meaninful to you. Figure out what ou really want. Then, write your goal down on paper and keep it in a highly visible place.

2. Visualize: Once you know what change you want to make visualize it as already done. Each day, rehearse what accomplishing this goal will look and feel like. Make it real in your mind this will keep you moving forward.

3. Simplify: Because we can become easily overwhelmed with the magnitude of our goal, it is necessary to break down the goal into smaller steps. Accomplish one step at a time.

4. Tell your friends and set parameters: Telling your friends that you are working on a specific goal will naturally attract their support. Set the parameters and teach them how to help you, especially when you begin to experience adversity.

5. Monitor progress-keep a journal: Make entries in a daily journal including acomplishments, opportunities and obstacles. If you encounter an obstacle, write down what you can do differently the next time you encounter this challenge. Furthermore, make sure to read previous entries at least once a week in order to review your own progress!

6. Stick with it-even if you encounter set backs: Remember tomorrow is another day! If you slip or fail one day, know that you have a chance to begin again. With commitment and perseverence, set backs will serve as learning experiences.

7. Allow more time than you need to accomplish your goal: If you believe you can accomplish a goal in 6 weeks, allow yourself 12 weeks. This way, when you encounter difficulties/challenges along the way, you will not feel the stress of time pressure.

8. Postive Self Talk: Very often we sabotage our own efforts by falling into the cylce of negative self talk. Replace negative self talk with positive thoughts. For example transform "I'll never be able to do this & this is too hard" to "If I take this one step at a time, it will all work out in the end."

9. Remember your successes: During this process of change, remind yourself of your personal strengths. Remember a time when you felt accomplished, competant, and courageous. Apply this feeling to your current process of change. It will help anchor you.

10. Get a coach: A coach brings skills and resources to teach you how to create lasting change. As a result, goal attainment progresses at an accelerated pace due to support, increased awareness, and focused action. Having a coach serves as your personal and professional support system- fully invested in your progress!!!

Copyright 2006 Peggy Tsatsoulis All Rights Reserved

Peggy Tsatsoulis, MA CAGS- is a highly sought after Professional Life Coach and Certified Psychologist with over ten years of experience. She has been dedicated to working with individuals to improve the quality of their lives, and her focus has been on bringing out the best in others. For more information and resources, or to sign up for a free e-course and/or consultation please visit