Fat: Is Its Bad Rap Really Warranted?

Fat. We all fear it. We all loathe it, but does it really deserve the bad rap? I say no. First of all, fat has several roles that are absolutely necessary for good health. One of its roles is to serve as insulation. The thinner the layer of fat, the harder it is to control body temperature. In other words, the Olsen twins would become hypothermic popsicles on a chilly day. Honestly. Second of all, fat helps to protect the vital organs. Without an adequate level of fat, organs are liable to shift positions and cause irreparable damage. Also, organs such as the kidneys, the liver, the heart and lungs are more likely to sustain an injury without adequate fat.

Another role of fat is its ability to provide the energy necessary to keep our hearts beating and our lungs breathing, our digestive tract working, and our nerves sensing. Approximately 66% of our daily energy expenditure comes from fat. In instances where people eat too little, fat and muscle is used to keep the brain working. This is bad news since the body is essentially feasting on its self. Don