Pool Safety Includes Kids Knowing How to Swim

As we go through life it is amazing how many people you meet that never learned how to swim. If these parents ever accompany their children to swimming pools or lakes, they do not have the skills to save their own child. Teaching children to swim should be mandatory, and is, if you own a pool.

Studies have shown that children who started swimming lessons at ages 2-4 actually learned to swim well at an average age of 5-1/2 years. Should you wait until kindergarten age to start swimming lessons? Absolutely not. While younger children may not swim well, they can be taught how to get to the edge of the pool. These precious seconds may well save their life.

Survival swimming is now being taught to children as young as six months. One statistic shows that 86% of children that drown do so while fully clothed. Survival swimming is taught to children who are fully clothed. Infant Swimming Resource is a website dedicated to reducing the number of accidental drownings. The author does not have any ties to the company or website, but would encourage the reader to visit this fine resource.

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