Planning your fly fishing trip

Ready to plan your fly fishing trip?

Then here are some tips on planning that will make your
fly fishing trip go much smoother, and your fishing time
more productive.

When planning for your fly fishing trip in Wyoming, there are
several factors that should be considered. A little time spent
planning will make your fly fishing trip more enjoyable, and
your time on the water more productive. In order to properly
plan your fly fishing trip, you will need to take a close look

What type of fly fishing do you prefer?

One of the first things you need to consider when planning your
fly fishing trip, is the type of fishing you want to do. Whether
you're planning on tubing some alpine lakes and casting to big
browns that are cruising near the bank. Or possibly you prefer
fishing meadow streams and beaver ponds for native cutthroat.
Maybe your plans are to spend some time doing both. Regardless
each will require a different plan of attack.

This one decision will tell you what time of year to take your trip.
You will also be able to tell what the climate will be, as well as
hatches, needed fly patterns and equipment. It will also give you
the information that will help you decide where to go on your fly
fishing trips.

Make a Checklist

I don't think I could get through the day without using some kind of
checklist. This is especially true when getting ready to travel. Whether
you're driving or flying, it's a pain to get to your destination and
realize that you left some key stuff at home.

Most of us have had this experience. One time I left my extra waders
at home, and the pair that I did bring started leaking. (Not good at
9000 feet and 38 degree water.) We were just lucky to find a fly shop
open in a little town in the middle of nowhere.

Needless to say, I always take an extra pair of waders with me on every
fly fishing trip. The point is, had I used a checklist, I would have had
my spare waders on that trip as well.

Now all that's left is to go through your check list and make sure you
have everything you need. Once you're sure it's all there, hit the road.
And have a great Wyoming fly fishing trip.

About the Author

Dale East is a long time outdoorsman and fly fisher and publisher of
Fly Fishing Wyoming