Aristotle the Alchemist

He is unlike the noble Plato. Plato is related to the wise Solon and Critias who was a Pyramid priest in Egypt so we can be sure there was some De Danaan in his blood. Plato created an enduring hierarchy that seeks to set some men above others; I think Aristotle can be excused for cow-towing to the political forces of his day until such time as he had to get out of town after Alexander died suddenly. He himself died the next year. As I read Aristotle I think he wrote knowing more than he let on. I know he respected Socrates who told all comers not to put true wisdom in front of Sophists or those who might abuse the knowledge. The logic of syllogism or commonly accepted principles and arguments is a powerful mind control device to this day.

It is important for the real researcher to look past the superficial anthologies of his work and to read his Secretum Secretorum which is not even mentioned in those anthologies at my local library. The Secretum was an explanation of alchemy for Alexander who set the alchemist family named Ptolemy in charge of Egypt. Ptolemy had Manetho do a Kings List to link himself to the De Danaan hero named Herakles. Alexander may have found the Emerald Tablet or Tabula Smaragdina in the grave of Hermes Trismegistus at Hebron. Some people think this Tablet with the Dictum of Hermes or the Magian Law known as