The Most Important Meal Of The Day

How many times have you heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Yet many people still do not eat it. If you want to look better and especially feel better you should start eating a healthy breakfast.

The word breakfast literally means to break your fast. Your body is starving for nutrients at this point so it is therefore essential to provide your body with those nutrients. Not only that, breakfast will speed up and boost your metabolism, give you more energy and help to keep your blood sugar stable.

Breakfast is so important in fact that a lot of schools have started breakfast programs. Studies reveal that children who eat breakfast also do much better in school. They also pay better attention and are more creative. This is no coincidence and is something we can also apply to our lives.

Another misconception is the notion that people can lose weight by skipping breakfast. In reality you are much more likely to snack more later on in the day if you skip breakfast. You can rationalize sometimes but you can't fool your body, it will let you know. Smaller, more frequent meals are much better for you.

Eating larger meals in the evening is bad news. Your body has to work much harder to breakdown and digest all of this food therefore robbing you of proper rest. You might have experienced this yourself. If you eat too much in the evening you often wake up feeling groggy and a little uneasy. You might have heard the saying "eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and supper like peasant." There is good truth to that statement. Others also like to eat a smaller breakfast, a little more at lunch and less in the evening. Your metabolism often tends to slow down at night, that is why we must be careful and keep these things in mind.

If you are not used to eating breakfast try starting off smaller with simpler foods. Something like toast is a great start or even a breakfast drink or granola bar. You will then adjust to it and will start to miss it and even feel sick if it is absent. There are many excuses not to eat breakfast but it really depends on how bad you want results in your life. I talk to many who are not happy with their health or their bodies yet when I suggest eating breakfast a wall of excuses go up and they keep doing the same things they have always done.

So remember it doesn't take much time to prepare a quick healthy breakfast like cereal and a glass of juice. You will be much more time efficient in the long run by eating breakfast. You can even prepare something in the evening for the morning. If you literally can't eat first thing in the morning do your routine first such as showering and getting ready before you eat. Or you can even pack something quick with you to take and then eat it as soon as you are ready.

Randy McLean - EzineArticles Expert Author

Randy McLean enjoys abundant health and is the sole creator of the Healthy Eating Tips web site. Randy has discovered early on what works and what doesn't. To start looking and feeling better visit