Saying "No" When It's Not That Simple

As a psychologist and life coach, I often find myself discussing the importance of saying "no" with busy, stressed out professionals. Everyone likes the idea of saying "no" more often, at least in theory. But, when it comes to actually doing it, I hear a lot of "yes, buts." In other words, "yes, I could say no to that, but then who would do it?" or "yes, I could say no to that, but then my boss would be upset with me and I might not get a promotion." Why is it so hard to say "no" to others?

Most of us experiencing success in our careers have learned one lesson really well: if you want to advance, you have to be willing to do the work. Translation, say "yes" to opportunities that come your way because you never know where it will lead. Well, look where that has led you. . . right to reading this article, looking for a solution to managing your busy life!

The truth is, we are much better at saying "yes" than we are at saying "no." Saying "yes" is easy, even if it means more stress and frustration down the road. When you say "yes," the other person smiles, thanks you, and you are left feeling as though you have pleased someone. There