A Plan for Making Money Using On-line Auctions Like eBay

In this article I will provide steps on how you should go about implementing this plan. This plan is not for everyone but if you enjoy shopping and flipping products you will have fun and make some money. Start off buying low cost items to test the water. After you feel comfortable go for the more expensive items, this is where you will make the most profits.

Getting Started:

Search for and then sign-up on several on-line action sites.

Scan items of interest and do some research on what items are selling. It is very important that you research the products to ensure that you are getting a fair deal. And watch out for over inflated shipping cost. Many times shipping cost can be negotiable.

Only bid on an item that is to expire in 10 minutes or less, also bid on items that have not received any bids and are due to expire. And only if those items meet the criteria mentioned before.

Place your bid and in most cases you will win the auction.

Purchasing: After purchasing the item tell the seller that you need to wait 7-10 days before you receive the item. Most of the times you will not need to give an excuse why but if you do tell them it