Not Just A Game It's An Adventure

Getting in the game is just that. As a game player my self I can find no other joy as close to the hart as being in the game. It is a felling of excitement and an overwhelming thrill to compete against some minds that are way above the average mind.Or just well trained I should say.

What happens when I get in the game is really like a second nature and my mind just takes over and the competitive nature in me is totally peeked. I can start playing a game on line against some brilliant players and get so immersed that before I know it five or more hours has gone by. It gets that intense. And when I am done playing my mind is working at a higher performance of awareness. For quite a while after I get out of the game.

I would really have to say that because of the intense gaming programs and the greatly advance technology. And add into the mixed some absolutely brilliant opponents. That being in the game is actually a very good way to heighten the senses. Really it