Had A Car Accident - Do You Need A Car Accident Lawyer?

A car accident isn't just a physical trauma - it can be a huge financial and legal burden as well, especially if you don't have knowledgeable legal help in your time of need. Whether the car accident was your fault or not, it's a good idea to get in touch with someone who can help you through the difficult and often confusing time that follows an auto accident.

So, what is a car accident lawyer?

A car accident lawyer is an attorney that helps to level the legal playing field after a car accident by informing you of your rights and responsibilities, and providing information on personal injury law and accident claims. Some circumstances surrounding a car accident require that a lawyer be involved, simply because of the complexity of dealing with the issue.

For instance, if you or anyone in your car was injured in the car accident, particularly if there is a permanent injury or an injury that results in lost income from work or lost time at school, a lawyer can help to recover some of these damages by filing a claim against the party responsible for the injuries.

The help of a lawyer should also be sought after a car accident if: