Where Are the Bargains?

We've all heard about the crazy Day-After-Thanksgiving sales. You know, the ones where people stampede and rip out each other's hair? Eww. Just the thought makes me want to howl with pain.

There are other bargains out there, though. Sales and discounts and coupons galore. You just have to know when to look.

Know When to Find Discounts

Take February. Valentine's Day. All sorts of romantic, girly stuff is on sale. Even if you're a loser in love, you can still use those bargains to your advantage. Find something now for your sister's birthday. Get a jump on Mother's Day. Buy yourself some heart-spangled undies. You can't be a loser forever, right? February's also a great time to look for winter wear like gloves and hats.

In April and May, retailers roll out the summer stuff, so watch for discounts on spring clothes. It's also when sporting goods are most likely to go on sale. Mother's Day means more girly stuff, so here's your second chance.

June and July bring Father's Day and clearances on summer things. Use those Father's Day sales to stock up on holiday gifts for your brother and grandpa too.

When August comes, you may be thinking of that giant mimosa you'll enjoy once your house demons go back to school. A worthy thought, but you might also find it worthwhile to think about the coupons stores offer on household essentials like tape, pens, and notepaper.

November. You're thinking about the Day-After-Thanksgiving again, aren't you? Well, stop it. Many stores begin their holiday promotions before Turkey Day. Keep your eyes open for pre-season sales, shop early and avoid the crowds.

Christmas bargains are everywhere in December. Scan flyers for sales, and go in the morning or mid-week to get the best selection and service.

Go Online for Discounts

The Internet is a bargain wonderland year round. Click around eBay; even if the idea of an online auction is intimidating, there are loads of "Buy It Now" items at excellent prices. Check out sites like www.discountquest.com, too, where they've already searched the Internet for the best online coupons, free shipping offers and other special sales.

Bargain Hunting Is Safe Again

See? It's easier than you think to find great discounts, no matter what time of year it is. And when you're done, you won't even need to see your hairdresser about a weave.

TJ Black is a small business owner and adviser. She has both published and presented her ideas in a number of sales forums and is currently freelancing as a writer for Discount Quest.