Civilized Nation vs. America

What is CIVILIZATION? It is an advanced state of intellectual, cultural, and material development in human society, marked by progress in the arts and sciences, the extensive use of record-keeping, a culture of a specific group of human-beings. What is DEMOCRACY? A Government by the people. What is a CONSTITUTION? The make up or composition; fundamental principles of government body physique. What is the meaning of CIVILIZED? Change from savage existence to refined.

Now the reason I put these four words at the beginning of my article is so that I, Mrs. Fox will make sure I stay focused on the following issues that are going on in America. When I hear our government officials who are public servants continue to say they are protecting the American citizens from the terrorist, I am not impressed; I am concerned with the following:

If we in the United States are supposed to be a civilized nation, then tell me as a refined nation of citizens why are we legally killing the unborn, killing the elderly, not educating our children? Why did the Supreme Court take prayer out of schools and out of all public places? Why is our legislators over taxing the middle class, ignoring the sick, passing laws that allow the government to take away the middle-class homes, allowing evil government leaders to break the laws that govern this nation, and calling good evil and evil good? It is written