Remembering You

If something were to happen to you tomorrow,
what would people remember about you?

Would they remember the hours you worked?
Would they remember the material things you own?
Would they remember how much money you had in the bank?
Would they remember the number of vacations you took?

Would they remember the love you showed?
Would they remember your caring and your sharing?
Would they remember the help you gave them?
Would they remember your smile, your laugh?

What will they remember,
your actions today will determine
what they will remember.

The poem "Remembering You" is a gentle reminder to live each day and don't neglect the important things in your life.

Our careers are important to us but a quote I heard years ago puts a careers in perspective, "Do you work to live, or live to work". Our careers provide us with money to enjoy life, but they are not our life. And, material things are not the be all and end all. As my Mum used to say, keeping up with the Jones is not a good way to live! And money, yes we need it to survive, but money will not bring happiness. There are many people in this world that have more than enough money but they have little happiness.

Memories of happy times, of helping times, of laughter and love, these are the things people reflect on and remember. We sometimes get so busy we don't make time for these things.

When reflecting on your life, the following quote is a good one to reflect on: "What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it."

This week how many times have you laughed, have you helped someone, and have you shown your love to those who are special to you?

For more inspiration visit Inspirational Quotes 4 U where you will find inspirational quotes to inspire and motive you. Sorted by subject and by author. Plus a quote for each day of your week.