Affiliate Internet Marketing: Appreciating Blog Power And Referral Power Will Make A Huge Difference

The main reason why most people fail in affiliate Internet marketing and end up making no money online may shock you. Actually the main reason is because they fail to appreciate the power of being able to make a substantial income online without selling a single unit of your own product or service.

Human nature is such that people will quite often be much more comfortable buying from a site that they have been referred to, even if the person who has made the referral is a stranger. That is the real secret behind the phenomenal success of affiliate programs and affiliate Internet marketing. It is also the real secret behind the big checks leading super affiliates are drawing.

The truth is that given the same volume of traffic, you will tend to sell more with affiliate Internet marketing referring people to an appropriate affiliate product than you will trying to sell off your own product.

Top high earning affiliates succeed in their affiliate Internet marketing when they fully appreciate and understand the power of blogs to attract huge traffic rather quickly. These affiliates will usually start by identifying the right non-competitive keyword phrases before they do anything else. They will then pick the most important and put it in the very title of their blog.

If for instance the key word phrase you have chosen is internet blog exposure, then the address of your blog should be There is a huge affiliate Internet marketing advantage with search engine robots when your most important keyword phrase is in the name of your blog.

Christopher Kyalo has many affiliate programs running successfully and he uses only articles to generate enough traffic to his affiliate blogs. Read the other parts of this article at his affiliate Internet marketing blog. You can also get his amazing free special report How To Use A Free Blog, The Adsense Program And Your Favorite Affiliate Schemes To Generate $7,777 A Month. Get it NOW by subscribing to his article promotion newsletter. Send a blank email to