What is web traffic?
Web traffic is a means of generating higher numbers of visitors to a web page. It is a service where by you pay to have potential customers sent to your website.
How does it work?
Visitors can be sent to your website in a number of ways:
1. Domain name redirection
The first method and perhaps the simplest is by using expired domain names. Every day there are thousands of domain names which expire as their owners have chosen not to renew them. Some of these domains were previously website addresses and may have been receiving visitors or may have links to them established on the internet. By acquiring these domain names and setting them to redirect their visitors to your website it is possible to channel web traffic.
2. Pop under windows
This method of traffic generation is being used less frequently now as many browsers block pop up windows. Web pages can be set up so that when they open a second window is opened in the background, underneath the main window. It will only be seen once the main window is closed. This is known as a pop-under window. By opening under the main window it does not interrupt the user and is less intrusive.
3. Full page advertisements
This method involves inserting your web page into an online process. For example, a website may offer a free service to users, e.g. free directory listing, free search engine submission, etc. The user enters their details in the form and clicks "submit". As their information is sent they are redirected to your website. An alternative way of doing the same thing is for them to see your page on their way to the form with your website being referred to as a partner or sponsor site.
4. High exposure links
By adding links to your site to web pages which already receive high levels of traffic it is inevitable that some users will click your link. Well written links and appropriate pages can create good levels of web traffic.
5. Viral email marketing
This is not as underhand or unpleasant as it sounds and is even used by large global companies, notably car manaufacturers. An email is created inviting people to follow a link to a webpage, usually containing something like an amusing video clip. Advertisements rejected by TV networks are quite common. The page will play the clip and then divert to your website. Provided the clip generates enough interest it has the potential to be forwarded and viewed a huge number of times creating huge numbers of visitors to your website in the process.
Targeted web traffic
With all of these methods the quality of the traffic can be increased by sending the traffic from a site with a relevant theme. For example, if your site is for a financial product then your site popping up in a pop-under window is more likely to appeal to someone already interested in finance. This use of a common theme is one way of targeting web traffic.
Another method is by using domains or sites covering a particular geographical area. These are generally divided into UK only, Europe wide, US or worldwide though the source sites are all english speaking regardless of their geographical origin.
Chris Smith provides web traffic from 2 of his websites - Cheap Web Traffic and Chris Smith Web Development - Buy Web Traffic.