Writing Your Own eBook For Sale On eBay

Those who sell eBooks on eBay generally focus their efforts on the sale of material written by others. The eBook seller purchases resale rights to other eBooks and then offers them for sale in an effort to generate a profit. However, some sellers also write their own eBooks and the results can be very impressive.

Writing your own eBook to sell on eBay can be a great way to make your eBook project more profitable. Self-authored titles have a few advantages that warrant consideration.

First, in an increasingly crowded market, fresh new products really stand out. A new eBook on a hot topic can post impressive sales numbers right away, as customers are clamoring for new information and fresh perspectives on a number of topics. By producing your own eBook you can insure that you are the only seller offering the product and that you are selling an eBook custom-built to match their understanding of the marketplace