Getting new customers inside your business is sometimes a hard job. Once you get them there, you need to take every advantage.
A would-be holdup man pointed a gun at a cashier in a Detroit store, but he dropped the weapon and fled when he realized the cashier had been able to reach the burglar alarm. In a few minutes the place was swarming with police officers. Seeing all the men in blue, the store's manager immediately sent this message over the loudspeaker system: "Special sale now in progress for police officers only!"
-- Detroit Free Press
I wonder if the manager selected products for the sale, or just gave a general discount. When you find an opportunity, you need to exploit it. Customers are hard to find.
"New customers and new businesses require two things from any business person or company. Knowledge of the marketplace, a clear understanding of all the dynamics of marketing, and action are all required to locate, assess and activate new customers."