For the millions of consumers with bad credit and no credit, getting approved for a major credit card takes a lot of effort. Unfortunately, establishing credit is as equally challenging as re-establishing credit. Creditors consider both types of people as risky applicants. Thus, they are less eager to extend a line of credit. However, there are ways to get around this problem. Bad credit credit cards are intended to make it easier for some to obtain credit.
The Importance of Establishing a Good Credit History
Even with poor credit, you will be able to finance many purchases such as a home or vehicle. However, good credit has certain advantages. Those with a high credit score receive prime rates on home loans and auto loans.
For some, low rates may not be a huge deal. Yet, low interest rates on loans can potentially save you hundreds each month. Moreover, having good credit unlocks the door to better financing alternatives.
Similarities Between Having No Credit and Bad Credit
Unfair as it may be, some lenders group those with no credit and individuals with poor credit into the same category. This makes it harder for young people and those trying to establish credit. Individuals with poor credit made certain mistakes that justify a lender's reluctance. On the other hand, those with no credit history have zero credit mistakes. So, why do some lenders deny credit to those with no credit history?
In a nutshell, before granting a credit card or loan, lenders will review credit reports to examine past relationships with other creditors. It