Interpreting Tarot Cards - Part 4

Last time, we looked at a simplified tarot card reading technique using only the 22 major arcana cards, and we got as far as the Tower. We will resume in this article with the 17th card, the Star.

The Star is a symbol of inspiration and hope, as anyone who has ever looked up on a cloud-free night will understand. In readings, the Star reminds us that there is light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how grim the current situation may be. The Star is a promise that better times are on the way, and now is NOT the time to despair. In a broader sense, (according to everyone at !) if you have been holding back, now might be the time for a big push. Although the Star is Hope, it is not a practical card - you must supply that real-world practicality yourself. Above all, the Star reminds you that you are on the right track, and only need to take positive right-minded action to realize your goals.

The next card in the Major Arcana is the Moon. This card informs us that the world we see is only a very small part of reality, and it is only the filters of our consciousness that stop us experiencing the universe fully in all its glory. Like the Star, the Moon is a card of Hope. Whatever you desire can be yours, if you follow the right path to get it. The Moon may also reflect hidden fears and worries, the kind that come in nightmares. It is also a warning against deception - do not follow an illusion in the moonlight, unless you really want to be lost in the dark. If you are already lost, the Moon tells you in no uncertain terms that now is the time to find the path again.

Next up, as you might have guessed is the Sun. A very positive card, the Sun essentially confirms what you may already be feeling, that you have the energy and drive needed to win the current battle. That you are on the path to success. That all you desire is now in the process of falling with your orbit. At, we believe that it may occasionally be a warning that over-confidence can be dangerous, although the card needs to be reversed for this - see the later article on reading plans.

Card 20 is 'Judgment'. On Judgment day, all are judged, and the way in which this judgment is metered out says as much about the judge as the judged. This card alerts you to the need to choose - if you face a question or choice, now is the time to make up your mind. The right minded way of course is to judge without condemning, or leaving no possibility of parole (future opportunity and choice). It may also alert you that you yourself are being judged somehow, and the test is actually in how you respond to the judgment, not whether you are guilty or not. Above all, Judgment means that renewal and change is at hand, and with change comes opportunity.

Finally we have the World. Associated with happiness, the World is that feeling of totality we get when 'everything is ok'. This feeling is transitory - life's challenges always see to that, but when they come, they must be embraced without fear. Like the Sun, the World is a positive card, and puts you on notice that your desires are indeed fulfill-able, BUT... you will need to work for them. To take the World, we must also give ourselves over into its service.

And together with card 0, the Fool, that makes 22 major arcana cards. Next time, we will explore the methods of using the cards and the patterns most suitable for fast reliable readings.

About the Author

Maria reads the tarot at the free site that answers all the difficult psychic questions.