Care and Handling of Pearls

The Pearl is a beautiful and durable gem when a few simple guidelines are followed. Clean them gently; examine regularly for damage and excessive wear; and make them a staple in your daily wardrobe. With the variety of pearl colors, pearl shapes and pearl jewelry designs, the days of simple pearl strands worn only to Church and Court are long past. Pearls are simply too much fun!

Unlike most jewelry gems, the Pearl is an organic gem meaning it comes from Nature. Nature created pearls before the invention of harsh chemicals such as sunscreen, makeup, perfume and hairspray.

Your pearls are the last thing you put on. At the end of the day, your pearls are the first thing you take off.
Always wipe your pearls with a soft cotton cloth after wearing them to remove any makeup and chemicals they may have come in contact with. This will prolong the time between cleanings and reduce the need the restring due dinginess.

The worst mistake women make with their pearls is to store them in dark, dry safety-deposit boxes. If you must store them this way, remove your pearls periodically so they can breathe -- literally. You pearls will dry out. The nacre (the skin of the pearl) will lose its luster (shine) and may develop tiny cracks. By exposing your pearls every few months to the natrual atmosphere for several days, you can help prevent this drying. The best way to store your pearls is in a soft cloth bag in your jewelry box. Never use anything air-tight like plastic or safe-deposit boxes unless humidity control can be introduced.

At Least Once a Year