Creativity and Flow

The experience of optimal functioning called flow enhances creativity, and can be nurtured in our own lives, says the psychologist who developed the concept.

Author of "Flow: the Psychology of Optimal Experience" and a number of related books, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (pronounced me-high chick-sent-me-high) says we can facilitate the conditions for this experience, and that it may be found in a wide range of careers and activities.

For his doctoral thesis on "how visual artists create art" he studied photos taken every three minutes as artists created a painting. He said in a newspaper interview that he was "struck by how deeply they were involved in work, forgetting everything else."

He went on to study chess players, rock climbers, dancers, musicians and others. "I expected to find substantial differences in all their activities," he notes, "but people reported very similar accounts of how they felt. Then, I started looking at professions like surgery and found the same elements there