Astrology An Introduction - How To Understand Ourselves Better

Astrology is not a modern invention dating back only a few years, it dates back as far as recorded history and has fascinated man ever since.

Astrology is essentially about the interaction between the Planets, the various Signs of the zodiac and how they shape our personalities.

The relationships between all these inputs and their interactions are based on mathematics, and Astrology is the study of these mathematical cycles.

The forces between the planets involved in Astrology can be summed up in one word: Gravity.

The Sun has the greatest gravity and the strongest effect in Astrology, followed by the Moon. The other Planets are not true satellites of the Earth like the Moon, but, their gravity still affects the Earth.

The Sun controls the Earth's motion and the Moon controls its tides, but the other Planets have their own effects on the Earth and on the people who live under their influence - This is the basic theory behind Astrology.

Astrology can be understood as a philosophy that helps to explain life, rather than a type of mysticism that can be used as a predictive tool.

Instead of focusing on what the Planets do to us, we can understand ourselves better based on planetary indications. Astrology binds all of us together:

We are all faced with planetary interactions in some shape or form, and we are all part of these planetary cycles.

The Horoscope and Its Uses

The horoscope is a map that is shown as a two dimensional chart. It shows the position of the Sun, the Moon, and planets at the exact moment of your birth. The planets are frozen in their position at this precise time. The horoscope is sometimes referred to therefore as the birth chart or the natal chart.

A correct interpretation of your birth position can reveal much about your personality.

Horoscopes are not predictive as stated, they do not suggest that your life has already been decided. You of course have freedom of choice in life, but your horoscope does reflect your natural inclinations in relation to your personality traits.

An understanding of these can therefore shed light on the lessons you can learn from life, the issues you face, and the problems that you need to confront and solve.

It merely shows as an abstract formula - The personality you are born with.

The use that you make of your personality traits, will, depend upon you and the actions you decide to take.

Astrology can provide you with a greater understanding of your life, but it doesn't provide clear cut answers to all problems which you may have to confront.

However, obtaining information about your horoscope may give you some insights and understanding into the reasons why you behave the way you do and how you can adapt and change your behavior, to lead a happier life and more fulfilling life.

You can of course, also study other people