Tired of trying endless diets that just don't work...with liposuction you can lose the fat in one day!!
Liposuction is permanent fat removal. Instead of dieting and excercise - lose the weight in one day! The procedure, for excessively overweight people, allows for large amounts of fat to be removed over several sessions. Four to six litres of fat can be removed each session. Liposuction is often undertaken prior to undergoing surgery such as stomach stapling, lapband or gastricband surgery or drastic dietary changes. It is much easier to remove the fat cells before they have shrunk from the drastic weight loss that follows the surgery or diet.
For larger people, liposuction can be the first step to further weight loss. Obesity can lead to other health issues - diabetes, hormonal imbalance or cardio-vascular disease. When the unwanted fat is removed from the stomach, buttocks, thighs, back or under the chin - it cannot come back! Fat cells may become smaller through diet and excercise but they will never disappear. When diet and/or exercise ceases - they grow back to their old size - or larger.
For women, the areas most often treated are thighs, hips, abdomen and chin. Men benefit from liposuction mainly by reducing stomach size. Breast reduction, for both male and female, can also be performed using liposuction - the fat is withdrawn through tiny nicks under the breast - these cannot be seen.
Liposuction is one of the safest forms of cosmetic surgery and is usually performed as day surgery and in most cases requires only a local anaesthetic. It is the only way to remove fat cells without surgery. It normally takes one or two sessions.
If fat transfer is desired, the fat can be treated and carefully reinjected to augment the breasts, cheeks or lips.
Liposculpture is the latest style of lipsosuction. It was initially developed in Italy in the late 1970's and revolutionised in the late 1980's by American dermatologist, Dr Jeffrey Klein. Liposculpture is treating the under surface of the skin - causing the skin to tighten.
An alternative to liposuction in Lipo Dissolve - fat is dissolved by the application of many small injections - this treatment is mainly used for the treatment of cellulite and bumpy skin.
Liposuction is for people of all ages - however - be aware that older patients with less skin elasticity may not achieve the same results as those with tighter skin.
It is important to remember that liposuction is a surgical procedure, and therefore, like any procedure, may involve risks or complications.
So...before undertaking liposuction surgery - ensure that the liposuction surgeon you have chosen has a reputation for honesty and integrity and an excellent record for safety!
Gay Redmile is the webmaster of several health and wellbeing sites. For more important liposuction information visit her site at http://www.newliposuctioninfo.com