Motion Detector Technology

Motion detectors are in use all around us in both residential and commercial locations. There are many common uses for motion detectors that most people find convenient and helpful in very common, everyday situations, and there will be some new and innovative uses that we may see more and more of in the future.

Residential Uses

Residential consumers are putting the motion detector to a variety of uses. They can greatly enhance the exterior lighting to any home and add to the security once inside.

If your concern is coming home to a dark house and tripping on the steps, motion detector controlled floodlights can create well-lit paths lighting up your yard, driveway, sidewalk and steps. This makes for a safe path to welcome both you and your guests. Floodlights should be mounted high up on the wall to keep the light out of your eyes and to illuminate a wider area for increased security. The same flood of light that walks you and your guests to your door safely will deter would-be-intruders. When the lights are triggered by motion this gives the impression that someone within the house is able to see and watch the burglar