
If you are looking for a component to enhance your calendar or date/time selection web page, has released a new component called RichDatePicker. It provides a point-and-click popup calendar window that allows you to select a variety of date and time appearances. This feature will resolve any issues end users might have with date/time formats and will also improve the accuracy of the dates entered into your online forms.

I couldn't keep this example any more simpler to show you how easy it is to use this component. First either copy the RichDatePicker.dll file to your application's bin folder or into the GAC. Then add the following line to the top of your ASPX file.

<%@ Register TagPrefix="DP" Assembly="RichDatePicker" Namespace="RicherComponents.DatePickerControl" %>

Within the body of your HTML add the RichDatePicker Tag as shown below. I have also added the built in .NET calendar tag for this example.

In your code behind page or between your script tags add the following code. If you are using inline ASP.NET code not Visual Studio .NET then you will need to remove "Handles".

Private Sub button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button1.Click

Calendar1.SelectedDate = RDP1.SelectedDate

End Sub

In this example, the DP.RichDatePicker tag by default creates a text box with today