The How TO of Pyramids


I just watched a show dealing with the Incan Andean cosmology that said they believed in 'As Above, So Below'. This is one of the three laws of the Magi and the Dictum of Hermes that our secret agent of British Intelligence has on the back cover of his book Secret Societies.

Dr. Davidovits is the modern patent holder of many geopolymeric rock-making or concrete processes and I talked at length with his co-author Marjorie Morris in 1993-4 about a variety of things related to their book 'The Pyramids: An Enigma Solved'. In the interest of brevity I'll leave out how they were back-stabbed in a media hatchet-job by WGBH Boston who produced what the BBC takes to schools all around the world. It is a video called 'This Old Pyramid' and it was shown on U.S. National TV as well as 'The Nature of Things' with David Suzuki. I saw his letter saying he didn't know they had used fork-lift trucks and modern tools to build this small pyramid that shifted in the sand after a few weeks and didn't have the 'fit' anyway.

The recent April issue of Scientific American deals with this in a somewhat tangential manner as it mentions the Miller-Urey Chicago creation of life experiment that was taught as creation of animate from inanimate for many years although it actually isn't creation, of much more than a few basic proteins. However, that start which became a dead end in some people's minds has continued to produce valuable insights. This particular article helps one see how the attunement may have been initiated by the collective consciousnesses within inanimate matter or mountains that the natives of the world revere. It may be a bit of a stretch but the nanotube article and other science from solid state chemistry as well as the work of Drs. Robins and Tiller would support it as well.

"Carbon-based molecules needed protection and assistance to enact this drama {The beginning of life, which NASA now knows is everywhere.}. It turns out that minerals could have served at least five significant functions, from passive props to active players, in life-inducing chemical reactions. Tiny compartments {What Robins calls 'energy wells'.} in mineral structures can shelter simple molecules, while mineral surfaces can provide the scaffolding on which those molecules assemble and grow. Beyond these sheltering and supportive functions, crystal faces of certain minerals can actually select particular molecules resembling those that were destined to become biologically important. The metallic ions in other minerals can jump-start meaningful reactions like those that must have converted simple molecules into self-replicating entities. Most surprisingly, perhaps, are the recent indications that elements of dissolved minerals can be incorporated into biological molecules. In other words, minerals may not have merely helped biological molecules come together, they might have become part of life itself!" (11)

Geopolymers are revolutionary for the concrete industry {He is a member of the Board of Portland Cement and a Director of a French concrete development consortium or research entity. His Doctorate in chemistry began his journey.}. Any type of rock aggregate can be used, and concrete made with the geopolymeric binder is practically indistinguishable from natural stone. Geologists unfamiliar with the technical possibilities afforded by geopolymerization have scrutinized geopolymeric concrete and have mistaken it for natural stone. This is unprecedented technology; no tremendous heat or pressure is required... sets rapidly at room temperatures to form synthetic stone...

To develop a new branch of chemistry is one thing, but to apply that chemistry to ancient history is quite another. How did I learn that the pyramid stone is also geopolymeric? Any theory must be feasible; then, there must be evidence; and ultimately, hard scientific proof is required. All mysteries associated with pyramid construction must be resolved. {The pyramid rock weighs 20-25% less than quarried stone and the same as geopolymeric rock. This does not mean that Christopher Dunn's finishing engineering doesn't apply and that molds were used when obelisks or special rocks were required either. He doesn't deal with the healing or other energy in some of these surrounding structures either.} A description is found in the ancient science encyclopedia written by Pliny the Elder (A.D. 23-79), the Roman naturalist. Pliny's account is not legendary or written esoterically; it clearly describes the salient features of the technology. But Pliny's description has not been understood by modern science, because to recognize what is written, one must have the appropriate knowledge