This year, as with the previous 4 years, snowmobiling has gained the dubious honor of being the most dangerous Winter Sport. Ten tips to help put safety and fun into your snowmobile rides.
The increased awareness and education on Snowmobile Safety by Snowmobile Clubs and Governments has emphasized a greater respect for riding safety, wide use of hand signals and overall snowmobiling etiquette. As an advocate of 'safety first' when is comes to motorized vehicles, especially snowmobiles, respect for this winter activity is key to snowmobiling enjoyment. Experience as a snowmobile rider has made me even more vigilant about safety.
Here are 10 tips for snowmobiling safety that will put the fun into your next ride:
1)Wear a helmet. Always. Even if you are just making a quick 2 minute trip to get supplies from your vehicle. No exceptions accepted.
2)Emergency 'OFF' button. The most important feature on the snowmobile is the emergency OFF button located next to the throttle. Make sure the rider knows where it is. Hitting the emergency OFF button instantly shuts off the engine.
3)No alcohol. You need to be at your peak of attention and alertness. With both the thrill of the run, and the sled exercising ('sledder-cise') you will sweat, and you will become dehydrated. Take water, or other non-alcoholic beverages along with you for drinking on the trails. Save the alcohol for when you stop for the day (no more driving of any kind) and just want to sit around and talk about the day's ride.
4)Check your rear view mirrors. Like driving an automobile, look ahead and check behind every 15-45 seconds. I consider rear view mirrors a must have on snowmobiles. Watch for more aggressive riders that speed up behind you. Let them pass