Who Are Your Power Animals? (Sometimes A Skunk Isn't Just A Skunk!)

Native Americans believe that each animal carries its own special energies and gifts, and that each animal has a gift to give each of us. Do you know what animals are guiding you on your individual journey? Are you aware of the gifts they are offering you?

Imaginary Guides

You can think of your Animal Totems as imaginary guides on your life journey. You might also think of them as Power Animals because each one imparts a special energy, or power, to your life.

By observing how each animal lived, found mates, located food and protected itself, Native Americans were able to define the animal's particular strengths and weaknesses. For example, bears hibernated during the winter, so it was said that they possessed the magic of dreams. They were also formidable foes, so Bear Energy was also about physical power and strength.

It's fascinating to note that different cultures (not just Native Americans) came up with similar interpretations for all individual animals.

Spiritual Energies

Native Americans as well as other cultures used Shamans to help them connect with the Earth around them, and with the power of the animals. Using dreams and visions, these Shamen would connect with the "manitou" of the animals. The manitou of an animal is its primal spiritual energy- wolfness, deerness, foxness...etc.

It was believed that every human being had a particular manitou (or several) which they were especially attuned to. These were their personal animal totems.

They discovered their totems through vision quests, although sometimes the totem made themselves known in other ways. For example, if you were attacked by a wild animal, it was believed that that particular animal totem had chosen you itself.

Physical and Spiritual Qualities

Each animal that exists has several qualities, both physical and spiritual. The qualities in your personal Animal Totems are qualities that you might connect with, feel a deep affinity towards, or simply need more of in your life.

Here are some brief descriptions of the qualities of a few animals. Read carefully. One of them just might be one of your Animal Totems.

Skunk: Self-confidence, self-esteem, self-respect, creative energy, paying attention to intuition and inner knowings

Alligator: Power to survive, keeper of ancient wisdom, clairvoyance

Cat: Magic, mystery, curiosity, independence, healing, unpredictability, inner balance, moving through fears

Frog: Seeing in all directions, physical and emotional cleansing, metamorphosis, creative power

Shark: Peace, solitude, emotional transformation, power of protection

Your Animal Totems instruct and protect you throughout your life