Need To Make Low Fat Desserts? - Top 7 Proven Techniques Help You Keep All The Taste And Flavor

We all love desserts! But there nothing worse than regretting and feeling bad after a meal followed by a rich dessert. Low fat dessert recipes don't have to be boring or tasteless. In fact, by following the Top 7 Proven Techniques for low fat desserts, you will be amazed at how you can easily keep desserts on your menu!

Whether you are weight watching, dieting or just a little health conscious, there is no need to skip and deny yourself on life's simplest little treats.

Skipping desserts can actually be bad for you. You are left craving for your well-deserved treats and this can often lead to unnecessary bingeing.

All you need to do is simply make a few little changes and know where to keep your desserts as low fat as possible.

Here are seven tips on benefiting from healthy and tasty low fat desserts:

Tip 1. Do-it-Yourself

Avoid buying desserts and opt for homemade desserts. Choose quick to prepare recipes and enjoy the pleasures of homemade low fat desserts.

You will not only benefit from knowing what exactly was used in the recipe, but also appreciate the desserts more. This also leads to less cravings and avoids instant gratifications, as with store-bought treats, that can be bad for you.

And, you can lose some calories by DOING something!

Tip 2. Reduce Fats for Low Fat Dessert Recipes

When preparing your favorite dessert, reduce the amount of sugar by half.

You can (most times) also reduce the amount of fat, like butter and oils, in recipes by one-third up to to one-half! You will not lose out on too much flavor at all.

If it's a recipe that you use often, perhaps the first time you will taste a little difference, but the next time, you won't even notice that this is your same favorite dessert but with half the fat.

Tip 3. Fresh Fruit Wonders

Not only does fresh fruits add color to your desserts but they are full of natural flavor and goodness.

Choose delightful fruit salads or bake your fruits within your recipes.

Tip 4. Use Yoghurt

Use yoghurt instead of ice-cream. Yoghurt can be mixed with flavors just as ice-cream can.

The active agents within yoghurt can also help your digestive system after a meal.

Desserts that are good for you? Yes, it IS possible!

Tip 5. Go a bit Nuts!

Try choosing lower saturated nuts over the higher type (like coconut or macadamia nuts).

Nuts have some benefits to our daily diet so you do not have to completely cut it out. But a lower fat alternative would be to reduce the amount in half stated in recipes.

Chop nuts finely and spread throughout your dessert allows you to keep that nutty flavor we love. Or, instead of packing your desserts full of nuts, try to decorate by placing a toasted nut (or just even half of one) on top of you dessert. This creates a classy element to dessert and keeping it low fat at the same time.

Tip 6. I want my Chocolate

No, we are NOT going to cut out the chocolate! If you can, great! But for the rest of us, choose the better alternative - the dark chocolate.

I never thought I'd enjoy dark chocolate in the past, but now, nothing tastes better. Normal milk chocolate taste too sugary and 'fake' to me now. Not only that, dark chocolate has anti-oxidants that are good for us!

Don't abuse chocolate, but opt for dark chocolate. I swear, you will not look back! Plus, you will be thankful for the lower fat benefits.

Tip 7. Essence-tial Taste

Use essence and spices to flavor your low fat dessert recipes.

Use vanilla, almond, orange or lemon extracts to flavor your dessert.

Add nutmeg or cinnamon to bring your recipe to life.

You can also use a zest of lemon or orange peel throughout the recipe mix or simply as garnish or topping.

Being satisfied is the key to lower fat eating. By being a little creative and make tiny changes to your favorite recipes, you won't lose out on flavor nor taste.

This is the true pleasure that lies within a dessert.

~* Janlia Chong has held onto her title as Baking Sensation because of her near endless knowledge of baking and packaging treats. Her ability to impress is one of her biggest traits. What's her trick? Simple, she takes something that sounds difficult and makes it easy and fun. Follow Janlia's advice and you'll be busy baking treats for the entire family. Visit *~

Copyright 2006 Janlia Chong