Yahoo: How Many Spiders Do You Eat While Sleeping?

I was reading my mail at Yahoo when I saw the question which ended up in the title of this article. Being of a scientific nature I decided to check things out.

Using a Yahoo Search if found that you eat 7-8 each month; either that or none at all. See .

I decided to try a Google Search.

I found that you eat 4 at

I found that you eat 3 at

I found that you eat 8 at

I decided to reply to the Yahoo question so I signed up to do it.

I wrote a poem that will follow to answer the question.

However when I went to answer the question I learned that the question was closed for answering.

Well you get the poem or song anyway so here it is. You should sing it like you use to sing the Itsy Bitsy Spider song:

Came the Spider While I Was Sleeping By John Taylor Jones, Ph.D.

A teensy weensy spider
Climbed up my sleeping snout.
I sneezed aloud like thunder and
Blew the spider out.

Up climbed again the spider
To show that he had spunk.
He tickled my nose again and
I blew out the little punk.

The spider not one to cower
Under the threat of my snout,
The spider climbed up in again
And again I blew him out.

This time he landed very hard;
Was plastered to the wall.
Said the itsy bitsy spider,
This is not a good idea at all.

Still a little later
The spider did appear.
I poked and dug to cure my etch;
He now lives in my ear.

The End
