Remember playing outside, making mud pies, skateboarding in the driveway and those awesome water fights? With the arrival of Nintendo this, Playstation that and whatever the latest version of Xbox is are our children missing out on some of the greatest childhood memories ever.
There was once a time when children loved going outside for a day of fun in the sun only dashing in occasionally for a glass of water or lemonade not to be seen again until the street lights popped on signaling play time was over.
Now, some children feel going outside to play is almost a punishment. They can't imagine an afternoon or weekend without their latest video game or favorite cartoon show.
Here are a few tips for getting your little ones off the sofa and outside for fun in the sun.
1. Make Outside Fun a Family Event - Not only does a family that prays together stay together but playing together also equates to staying together. Toss the ball with the boys. Make flower necklaces and head dressings with the girls. Referee the neighbor ball game. Don't forget those water fights. They're just as much fun now as they were 15 to 20 years ago.
2. Limit TV and Video Game Time - Set limits. If you set and/or restrict the amount of time for these indoor activities, sheer boredom will have the kids bursting at the seams to get out.
3. Provide Snacks for the Neighborhood Gang - It never fails! When your children go out to play within minutes a few of the neighborhood kids have joined in the fun. This is a great opportunity to provide refreshments. The kids will enjoy this and probably stop by more often giving your children an added incentive to go out to play.
There's nothing more beautiful than nature seen through the eyes of a child. Give your children memories they to will cherish one day in the not so distant future.
Roschelle Nelson is the founder of She lives and works at home with her husband and two sons.