Testing and Tracking, The Adsense Marketers Most Powerful Tool

Adsense publishing is a complicated game with many factors contributing to your level of success.

As with any business model, it is necessary in the Adsense game to have in place measures to test and track the methods your using and the results they are yielding.

Here is a simple example:

I put up 10 sites on keyword topics that I have researched. Over time I track the results of these pages in many ways. I learn what pages of my site are getting clicks and what keywords these pages are optimized for. I learn through which search engines or methods people are finding my pages. I learn which ads on my site are getting clicked, both where they are positioned and what was the contents of the ad.

So what you might say? As long as people are clicking right? WRONG!

Look what I can do with this data.

1. When I know which keywords on which pages are getting clicks I know which keyword topics are getting the most traffic from the search engines. I now go ahead and expand that site by making more pages with adsense on this niche because I KNOW it can get me traffic! If I did not know this I might have gone and expanded all my sites when only some of them are going to make such a move profitable.

2. I learn which search engines are sending me the most traffic so I know to work on optimizing my site for the right search engine.

3. I learn which ads are getting clicks and which aren