Zipper type plastic storage bags are a staple in most kitchens. Zipper storage bags can easily be found holding a sandwich for lunch or a handful of cereal for a toddler. Zipper storage bags are versatile, easy to use and low in cost. With the advent of various sizes of zipper storage bags and freezer zipper storage bags the range of uses for zipper storage bags is quickly increasing.
Here are three new ways to use the common kitchen zipper storage bag.
1. Storing Brown Sugar. It is all too common to go your pantry and find that your brown sugar is hard as a rock. By simply removing the brown sugar from its paper box when you bring it home and pouring it into a zipper storage bag you will eliminate this problem. As an added benefit to storing brown sugar in a zipper storage bag it makes for easy measuring and packing when called for in recipe.
2. Storing Nuts. Nuts because of the high oil content can turn rancid quickly. By storing nuts in a freezer type zipper storage bag nuts can be safely stored in the freezer for months. The nuts can also be used strait out of the freezer type zipper storage bag for toasting and chopping. No thawing is required.
3. Storing Cake Flour. The nature of flour causes it to easily attract bugs and be affected by changes in humidity. By removing cake flour from its cardboard box and storing it in a zipper storage bag both of these problems are remedied. You can place the zipper storage bag full of flour back into the box and keep a clean and tidy pantry.
Shauna Hanus is a gourmet cook who specializes in creating gourmet recipes. She has extensive experience cooking with easy to find grocery items to create delightful gourmet meals. She is also the publisher of a no cost bi-monthly gourmet newsletter. Her newsletter is always fun and informational packed with tips and trivia you can use everyday. Sign up for her newsletter and learn more about Gourmayeats Weekly Recipe Club at