Head Shaving: Tips For Shaving Your Head From A Head Shaving Veteran

Head shaving is something I have personal experience with. I started shaving my head in 1995 and have been doing it every two days since then.

In my case, when my hair started thinning, I figured I could do what some guys do and start a hair part from the back of my head and try to cover it up, or I could shave it off.

I chose the latter.

I figured that if my hair isn't going to cooperate and cover my head completely, I'll just shave it off and keep people guessing.

Head shaving is something that has certainly become popular over perhaps the last 20 years or so. It is a look that has been popularized by many celebrities and athletes and has become an acceptable look for men and even for women!

When I shaved my head for the very first time, I made the mistake of using a brand new cheap disposable razor.

I cut myself in about 10 different places and could hear and feel every cut I made.

Learning from my experience, I then started using a disposable razor that I'd first used on my face a few times. This wasn't much better but it did help.

I then figured out that perhaps I shouldn