Blogging To The Bank - Is Blogging Your Key To Making Money Online?

I am going to bet that you are not one of the richest people in the world. As a matter of fact, you are probably an average guy or gal who works 40+ hours a week (making money for someone else) and when all the bills are paid, you have very little left to show for it. How do I know this? This describes just about everyone who starts trying to make money online. Therefore, it goes without saying that you would probably be very excited if you had a way to start cashing in without any money down and with no start-up costs. One way to start doing exactly this is to start writing a blog.

Why Blogging Is A Good Idea

Writing a blog is one of the best ways you can get started making money online because you get two things that are very important in my opinion.

  1. You get an outlet for posting affiliate links on the web without resorting to Pay Per Click campaigns, which can become very costly, very quickly.
  2. Blogs are easier to create than webpages because you don