Mobile Home Owners Are Put On Alert

Do you own a Mobile Home? Do you live in a Mobile Home Park? Is your rent going up, up and up? Do you know when the rent hikes are going to stop? If this fear is what you live with on a daily basis, read on.

Mobile Park owners have complete control over the amount of money they charge you on a monthly basis. They can raise your rent anytime whenever the whim hits them.

We are the home owners? Don't we have any rights or say so in this matter?

Every person that lives in a Mobile Home Park and pays rent must read this article and respond. This is your home. This is the place where all your money is tied up and where you raise your family. This is where you hang your hat and call home.

If rent hikes get any higher how long are you going to be able to continue living in your Mobile Home?

What is going to happen to your wonderful home?

There is legislation in Washington being discussed right now. You must be aware of this. You must write your state legislatures. I already have. If you would like to make a copy of this article or any of my articles on Mobile Home issues and send it to your state legislature representatives, go ahead.

All Mobile Home Owners must unite and fight for our freedom and stop the fear of losing our homes.

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