How Genreation 2 Swords are Made

Swords of Honor will now carry the quality made swords called Generation 2. These swords will include Roman Gladius swords, Scottish swords, Celtic swords, Crusader swords, Viking swords, Movie and Fantasy swords, and more. Also, a very special limited edition "Iron Mistress" is now available in limited quantities.

The manufacturer is now producing the new swords (unlike any they have ever produced) with all new specifications, and a new tempering process that will truly make the Generation2* swords ready to win the Steel-to-SteelSM challenge. Each piece of the sword or knife and each scabbard it made and fit for just that piece, not mass produced and mass assembled. Each one is meticulously done, but yes at different specialized stations.

All tangs are a continuation of the blade that runs completely through the handle and connects to the pommel (not the thin rod used in most all swords). Although they are historically correct in appearance, specifications were set to produce a sword that could withstand the riggers of steel to steel and not produce a failure.

The first test was on several 2"x 4"s standing up and split them with no marring on the blade. The second test was on a 2"x 4" cross ways resting on a solid rest and striking straight down. It did not cut all the way through, but it did cut deep and again did not mar the blade or edge. Then the ultimate test was Steel-to-Steel *, with 9 good blows. These tests resulted in NO breakage or looseness developing in the blade, tang, or handle of the swords.

* Steel to Steel Swords is the Service mark of Generation2 / Imperial Co., Inc. Copyright