How To Pack Light For That Bus Tour

Packing light does not fit the needs of everyone, and certainly not for every kind of travel. Cruises always require more, although even there, one can economize on the luggage. Deluxe tours where you stay in four star hotels and eat in Michelin's best recommended restaurants requires a much fuller wardrobe than a six day bus tour through the Benelux.

My way of packing light comes from personal experience coupled with what I've picked up in guide books and from fellow travelers. Some of it you might consider carrying it to extremes, but one thing I've come to realize is that how you pack and what you pack is about personal choices. I've read articles in magazines and books and half the stuff I'd throw out. On the other hand I would add just as much that I thought absolutely necessary. So with that in mind, here's how I do it.

My travel is constrained by finances for the most part. So I travel on the cheap. When travelling alone I stay in Bed and Breakfast establishments (B & B's) when I can find a clean one handy to where I want to be, and that's most of the time. Otherwise I'll stay in cheap but clean hotels. Here I find guide books indispensable, but even then you have to watch your step. Areas and districts change, usually not for the better. When in Paris I have always liked to stay in the Quartier Latin. Last time I stayed at different hotel than usual, one recommended in a guide book. In the morning I came strolling out the front door with visions of a caf