Movie Rentals Today - Online Renting, Downloads, and More

Many people in all over the world prefer to view movies at home than in the cinemas. This leads to a increase in sales for movie rentals and DVD sales alike. Movie downloads are also becoming popular due to a demand in watching any flick you might want to view at any time that is convenient for you. DVD movies are still king though, with all the craze these days, they will continue to be one of the leading entertainment media markets in the world for years to come.

Movie rentals are a very convenient variant for home movie watching. The trend these days for movie buffs seems to be online movie rentals. Of course there are still lots of offline rental stores out there but their amount is decreasing year by year which only proves the growing popularity of their online competitors. Companies like Netflix, Blockbuster, or Intelliflix are gaining steam each an every year due to this widespread popularity.

So why do more people give preference to ordering movies online? Well, it