Golf Swing Series: Build your Golf Swing to the Point of Perfection

Develop a swing that will consistently send the ball to your chosen spot on the fairway.

How would you like to always put the ball exactly where you want it to land? Hit a very high wedge to be very near the pin consistently? Be able to hit any iron a short distance with accuracy. Be able to hit a low 4 iron on a windy day to the green usually reached with a high flying 8 iron.

I have simplified the game of golf and the swing so that anyone, beginner or experienced golfer can only benefit from it.

I know I was an experienced player when I was shown the rudiments of the golf swing I have developed for myself, and which serves me so well.

One has to be open minded and not too steeped in orthodoxy. Of course the orthodox method is the basis for everything, but each individual has to adapt certain aspects of the swing to suit himself or herself.

Build your swing bit by bit so that there will be no mystery or confusion in your mind when you take the club back and then bring it down and through.

You should know where the head of your club is and where you hands are in relation to the particular part of the swing.

Confidence is a big part of this game, and with the confidence that you have a very good golf swing you will become a very good golfer.

There are tricks to help you with your mental game, thus increasing your confidence.

If you have a hook or slice, this usually means you need a small change in your grip, back swing, or hand position, to name some of the remedies.

There are certain exercises strengthening the correct parts of your upper limbs which will improve your game.

You should know keys (check lists) that you can go through when things go wrong during a game, so that you can soon begin to swing correctly again.

So often, when things go wrong, one does not know why, and one has a rotten day. Then on the next round everything is back to normal again. How frustrating is this game?
