Bumping and Jumping Theories in Seismic Prediction

Recently we have seen some unusual seismic activity, some flooding and some Earthquake swarms, which more resemble magma flow under the crust, in California. As this topic was being discussed recently in an online think tank one member mentioned a bumping theory. Where there were bumps, which rubbed up against each other where tectonic plates hit each other and therefore they would slow the sliding or folding under and put pressure on certain points until they finally gave way.

One think tanker hearing this stated; Well regarding your bumping theory, I would say that there are bumps at all layers inside the Earth, as well as along the plates sides, on the tops (obviously mountains), between them too. Jagged edges, pieces getting caught in-between, wedged until they finally fail under pressure like trying to chock the wheels on a large semi truck on a slope with a piece of wood, eventually it is crushed and the truck rolls over it.

Here is a side theory I had come up with;


Joe states;