Time Management Is a Symptom of a Greater Problem

First, time management is an oxymoron since no one can manage a constant that being time. There will always be just 60 seconds to a minute, 60 minutes to an hour and 24 hours to a day. Now that we understand that time management is more about us and less about time, we can begin to separate the symptom from the problem.

Next, the question needs to be asked "Why do we want to or need to manage time?" By looking to this answer helps us to truly understand how people continue to label time management as a problem.

The reason we need to manage our time is because we have a desired end result or a goal that needs to be achieved. Without results or goals, there would be no need to manage or even care about time. Ideally, we could live each day moment to moment, not worrying about the passage of time. Unfortunately, today's world demands that we make the most of each minute.

So now that we know the real problem, the next question is How can we refocus our behaviors and become better goal achievers? Solving this problem begins by identifying the beliefs that support as well as hinder consistent goal achievement.

These beliefs range may include some of the following:

After belief identification has been accomplished, you may need to begin to change those beliefs that drive counter-productive attitudes demonstrated by our behaviors about the real problem -- goal planning and goal achievement.

Then take some time to assess your life to truly learn where you are so that you can achieve balance and build the future that you desire. Using a simple life wheel to taking a formalized assessment can assist you. Now, it is time to construct an action plan that is supported by written individual goals. Once these goals are formalized and put into action, not only do you become a better manager of yourself and therefore time, decision making is now much more proactive instead of reactive.

Finally, all goals from making daily appointments to building sales should be written down and monitored on a consistent basis. To do this requires blocking a specific amount of time each day for planning the next day's actions.

After all the years of executive coaching my small business, entrepreneurs or school clients, I am truly amazed at the number of people who continue to focus on time management as a problem and not a symptom of poor goal planning and goal achievement. Success or sustainable change can be yours if you infuse a consistent goal achievement process into your daily beliefs, attitudes and behaviors. And your current time management issues will become a thing of the past.

Leanne Hoagland-Smith - EzineArticles Expert Author

Leanne coaches individuals, small businesses and large organizations to double performance in warp time. She freely shares the Secrets of Success and provides a free monthly newsletter. Please feel free to contact Leanne at 219.759.5601.

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