Creative Marketing Article Will Always Do Better Than PPC Ads

Using articles marketing in a creative way will always give you such good results that they will be better than results from paid advertising like PPC ads.

The fact is that creative marketing articles usually have a lot going for them. Apart from the fact that you do not pay for the clicks that end up at your site as a result of an article, creative marketing articles will usually end up enjoying the viral effect of being re-posted at various other sites spreading your ad message far and wide. The potentials to bring in loads of free traffic for you is huge and is usually continuously spreading.

The other huge advantage that this kind of creative marketing has is that click fraud does not work with articles because you do not pay for the traffic. You simply post your useful articles in as many high traffic web sites as you can and then sit back and enjoy the attention and the profits.

Granted, the click through rate per single article is not as high as that of a strategically placed link on a search engine. Still, if you ensure that you constantly increase the volume of articles with your links out there, even as the viral effect takes place, you can end up with a sizeable amount of free traffic from your creative marketing articles constantly trooping to your site.

Get more information now to help you grow your traffic overnight using articles. See my articles marketing blog or get my high value email newsletter on the same subject, send a blank Email Now to get it Free. This is a limited time offer.