The five relationships you must nurture to maximize your effectiveness in the marketplace can be identified by looking at the fingers in your hand. The number one relationship that gets overlooked is symbolized by your index finger.
The index, or pointer finger represents those I call pawns and pushers. Pawns and pushers are in your life to hinder your progress in achieving the plan and purpose your Spiritual Source has assigned to your life.
Whenever you seek to move outside your comfort zone, or pursue those things in your heart that will benefit others and yourself, you can expect opposition and physical restraints. Pawns and pushers will hold you down or back.
Let's briefly look at the Pawn.
A pawn in a chess game is of least value. It can only move in one direction. Pawns become powerful when joined with another pawn to create 'a duo,' but is limited to six advances. Many times before the game is over, there are some pawns who have taken no action at all. Those who do move forward, end their movement before the eighth (8th) rank. Also, a pawn can be promoted to any position, except king.
How does that relate to pursuing your business dreams? A pawn is someone who can be used to further the purpose of another. In a negative situation, pawns seem like positive allies. The question you must ask yourself is, "Will my association with this person, or group propel me toward fulfilling my dream, or kill my dream?"
Pawns can be powerful persuaders, especially when joined with another. Their words of encouragement and support may sound so convincing that choosing to flow in the direction they are traveling seems like an obvious choice. Keep in mind three (3) things when pawns show up:
1. Pawns are limited in how far they can take you and are on one track. The track may not lead to your destination. You may not reach your destination because...
2. Pawns get off track before they complete the course, or don't take action at all... satisfied with things as they are.
3. Pawns do not make it to the eighth (8th) rank. Eight (8) is the number of new beginnings. Pawns are not looking to begin something new. Neither can they envision the possibility of a life without limits. Pawns are limited in their thinking. It's what Zig Ziglar calls, "stinkin thinkin." Stinkin' thinkin' by pawns are negative thoughts spoken aloud to hinder themselves and you.
Pawns are mockers and scoffers who want power and attention; especially the kind you are receiving, but can't get.
TIP: Review what you've written when you first imagined the possibilities of fulfilling your business dreams. If there are people who do not stand in agreement, or are negative about your dream, let the dream killers go and move on.
In Part 2 we'll see the value of pushers in your journey toward business success.
Robin Kegler is the Wearing The Right C.A.P. Coach, Speaker, Founder of Wearing The Right and creator of the Wearing The Right C.A.P. PAGS Assessments to help people know where they fit, will prosper and have the most fulfillment in life and work. She helps small business owners, entrepreneurs and solo professionals build strong teams by putting the right the right place...doing the right assignment. To receive Right CAPtions, free audio downloads and more visit or